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Balcony Inspection Architects are dedicated to serving Homeowner Associations, Boards of Directors

and management teams with superior professional service in the ongoing compliance with

Senate Bill 326 - Mandatory Balcony Inspections.

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Thom L. Sanders, AIA
Principal Architect

Thom L. Sanders is the principal architect responsible for inspections and reports for Balcony Inspection Architects.


Mr. Sanders has provided architectural analysis of building projects for over 25 years specializing in identifying and correcting defects in construction and design. He has been a licensed architect in California since 1985 and is licensed in 10 states from Hawaii to New York.


Balcony Inspection Architects provide Homeowner Associations and Property Managers with inspections of exterior elevated elements.

Mailing Address

120 Island Avenue, Suite 448

San Diego, CA 92101

Call Office

T: (619) 230-1844


© 2020 by

Building Design and Analysis, Inc.


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